ESDS Revision notes on beginners' Lindy Hop classes.

Please note: this page is intended to jog the memories of, and act as a reference for, those who are attending the Thursday night beginners' classes. It is not intended as a substitute for these classes - quick summaries of steps cannot teach you the subtleties of Lindy Hop (stance, leading and following etc.).

Single-time basic Charleston

START in the 'get down' position, feet side by side, weight forward over toes; repeat the following;
Beat Action (leader's steps)  Action (follower's steps)
1 Tap left foot back (behind right)  Tap right foot back (behind left)
3 Step forward on left foot  Step forward on right foot
5 Tap right foot forward (in front of left)  Tap left foot forward (in front of right)
7 Step backwards on right foot  Step backwards on left foot
(Everybody will find it useful to be able to do this using both the leader's and follower's steps).

Arms swing 'naturally' - left arm forward with right leg etc.


Single-time basic Charleston with 'step back' and 'step step'

Beat Action (leader) Action (follower) 
1 Step back with left foot (behind right); take weight off your right foot but keep that foot where it is  Step back with right foot (behind left); take 

weight off your left foot but keep that foot where it is 

2 Return your weight to your right foot  Return your weight to your left foot
3 Step forward on left foot  Step forward on right foot
5 Step on your right foot (just a little further forwards than your left)  Step on your left foot (just a little further forwards than your right) 
6 Step on your left foot, next to your right  Step on your right foot, next to your left 
7 Step backwards on right foot  Step backwards on left foot

Triple-time footwork - Jockey

Start standing side by side, leader to the left of follower, leader's left hand free, his right hand across follower's back to her right hip, follower's right hand free, her left resting on man's upper arm.
Beat Action (leader) Action (follower) 
1 Step back with left foot (behind right); take weight off your right foot but keep that foot where it is  Step back with right foot (behind left); take weight off your left foot but keep that foot where it is 
2 Return your weight to your right foot  Return your weight to your left foot
3 Step forward on left foot  Step forward on right foot
& Step on right foot Step on left foot
4 Step on left foot (this 3&4 is the triple step)  Step on right foot (this 3&4 is the triple step) 
5 Step on your right foot (just a little further forwards than your left)  Step on your left foot (just a little further forwards than your right) 
6 Step on your left foot, next to your right  Step on your right foot, next to your left 
7 Step backwards on right foot  Step backwards on left foot
& Step on your left foot  Step on your right foot
8 Step on your right foot (this 7&8 is the triple step)  Step on your left foot (this 7&8 is the triple step) 

The Basic Lindy Turn

Begin in an open facing position, man's left hand to lady's right, and in the Lindy-style 'get down'. During the turn, you remain square on to each other. Failing to keep square on, and the lady failing to come straight at the man, are the two most common problems with this move. Because the Lindy Turn is so central to this style of dance, it is really worth working on it.
Beat Man Lady
1,2 Step back left foot (bt 1), returning weight to R foot (bt 2) Step back left foot (bt 1), returning weight to L foot (bt 2)
3&4 Triple step (LRL), forwards. 
Place your R arm behind the lady's back (under her R shoulder blade) and begin to lead her into the turn - this is mainly by having your body go  out of her way to the left, which starts your mutual circling
Triple step (RLR) forwards (do not anticipate the turn - come straight forwards at the man - it is up to him to get out of your way and lead the move). Turn as you feel the lead
5,6 Step (R) on 5, crossing your R foot behind your left leg 
Step (L) on 6, opening your left leg out to the left 
This continues the turn. 
Let go with your right hand on beat 5
Step (L) on 5, out to the left around the circle 
Step (R) on 6, crossing it in front of your L foot.
7&8 Triple step (RLR), moving away from your partner (probably in exactly the same position, relative to the room, as you started) Triple step (LRL), moving away from your partner (probably in exactly the same position, relative to the room, as you started)


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Last modified on 29th October 1997. Contents of this web site are COPYRIGHT.